Upcoming Events
Hover over a date to see additional event information.
Sunday, October 20, 2024
Time: 2:00PM- 5:00PM (EST)
Join Prevention Meets Fashion (PMF) and Purple House Project PA (PHPPA) for an afternoon of education and discussions focusing on how to measure your body, better understand your body measurements and importance of breast/chest health. Register Here
Monthly Events Overview
January: National Stalking Awareness Month
January 11th: Human Trafficking Awareness Day
January 27th: Holocaust Remembrance Day
February: Black History Month, Condom Month & National Teen Dating Violence Awareness and Prevention Month
February 17th: PMF Annual Condom Fashion Show and Community Education Event
February 20th: World Day of Social Justice
March: Social Work Month & Women’s History Month
March 10th: National Women and Girls HIV and AIDS Awareness Day
March 24th: HIV and AIDS Panel and Brunch
March 31st: Trans Day of Visibility (TDOV)
April: Sexual Assault and Prevention Awareness Month
April 10th: Youth HIV and AIDS Awareness Day
April 18th: National Transgender HIV Testing Day
April 24th- Denim Day
April 26th: Lesbian Visibility Day
April 27th: Denim Patch Event @YAP
May: Sex Ed For All Month & Masturbation Month
May 28th: Menstrual Health (fka Hygiene) Day
May 19th: National Asian and Pacific Islander HIV and AIDS Testing Day
June: PRIDE Month & Adult Sex Education Month
June 8th: Delco Pride
July: Non-Binary Awareness Week
August: National Thrift Store Week (17-25)
August 3rd- Back To School Event with Path of Greatness
September 16th-23rd: Bisexual Awareness Week
October: LGBT+ History Month & Domestic Violence Awareness Month
Coming Out Day
International Pronoun Day
PMF x PHPPA Claim Your Measurements Event
October 26th: Intersex Awareness Day
Purple House Project PA’s Annual Purple Path
November 20th: Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR)
December 1: World AIDS Day
December 3rd: International Day of Persons with Disabilities
PMF Annual DIY Fabric Scrap Wreath Making & Toy Drive